Parent Teacher Organization
Join the Parent - Teacher Organization!
Ways to get involved
A successful school has involved parents. Below is a list of ways to be involved even with varying time commitments and skills. Contribute what you can. Parents should not be stretched thin or overwhelmed by volunteering so don't feel bad about starting small. Every little bit helps.
Committee Support (contact [email protected])
The Parent-Teacher Organization has various committees that are always looking for help or fresh ideas. Below are the committees and a brief description of their duties.
Fundraising- contribute your time or ideas to building PTO financial resources. Don’t like planning? Join anyway! There are plenty of volunteer opportunities.
Program/Activities- all PTO programs have varying time/energy commitments. Whether you are available during school or after school, there is a program waiting for you.
Class Parent/ Staff Appreciation- volunteer for your teacher; research ideas for PTO to support teachers.
Campus Beautification- specific times of the year are needed for weed pulling, mulch spreading, flower planting or other activities to beautify campus.
Neighborhood Days - help plan monthly Meet and Greets at local parks.
Student Grants- As a committee, listen to students’ presentations and allocate student grants that benefit the school as a whole.
Community to Classroom- Add your skills to the list! What can you teach our students about your job, hobbies, or interests? You can also join this committee if you would like to help connect CCID with local resources, jobs or interests students should learn about.
Spirit Wear- help design, organize, or distribute CCID Spirit Wear.
To join, contact the Committee Chair at [email protected]